Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is that smell?

Okay, so I think I could write a book with all the crazy things Bill says to me. I think I'll call it, "Most Shocking!" like that tv show. ha, ha.

Anyway, time for Boogieboos to have a bath. He really needed one. He smelled B-A-D. :) Me being myself, I put my nose in his armpit to see how bad it was. Whew! B-A-D. Gross. So, my baby stinks. I told Bill and he said, "He got that from you!"

Ok. Step back. Did he just say I stink? His bride? His helpmate? His lover? His sweetheart? His sugarlump? Stinks?! wHAT!? Hold the phone. I do not smell bad. I smell nice, like flowers and sweetness all wrapped up in a hug. Oh, and by the way, I have smelled some pretty nasty B-O on you, too dear. ;)

To my dismay, Bill responded, "Well, you stink if you go a day without a bath. You said so yourself. I don't stink until I've gone a week without a bath."
Say WHAT?!

First of all, how do you know that? Have you actually gone a week without bathing? GROSS. Second, everybody stinks if they don't bathe daily. Hello? Can I get a "Holla" or an "Amen"? Normal people need to clean themselves daily. Unless I'm crazy and living in some kind of alternate universe. And how dare you say that I smell bad, even if I do! AND don't be so matter of fact about it like, "yeah, he stinks cause of you and i'm all cool and stuff."
Anyway, the conversation was amusing to say the least. I chose not to take offense to Bill's obvious delirium. :)


Christy said...

Oh my, that was hilarious! I feel like I was transported back to CC ... I could just hear you saying all of that, Felish. Thanks for being your crazy self!

Felicia Miller said...

Well, it is hard work, but I try. ha, ha. :) I love that SOME people appreciate my craziness. Hee, hee... :)