Thursday, May 10, 2007

Honduras on My Mind...

Isn't this beautiful? This picture was taken in Honduras. Bill and I spent time in Honduras the past two summers, and this week I've been thinking about the children weworked with in that beautiful country. We worked with kiddos in an orphanage in Talanga-Jalaca. This was taken on the road that leads to the children's home. The countryside is breathtaking...I've never seen grass and trees such a bright green over such a vast area. Entire mountains sparkle with brightness and life.

One of the children, Karen, took a liking to Bill. She had a horrible childhood before coming to the children's home. She endured much abuse and has come a long way. Hungry for attention, she latched on to anyone who showed her love. She is a precious little girl!

This is Sarita (Sara). She's the youngest at the orphanage. I wanted to scoop her up and take her home with me! She has a sweet, gentle spirit.

While we were in Honduras, we did several service projects. Our two main projects were builing a fence around the "Girls' Home," and making tables and benches for the classroom. Bill's gifts were a tremendous blessing for these projects!

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